Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Are you tired of hearing about Canada yet?
Well too bad!

Some of my earliest childhood memories are with Grandma and Grandpa in Canada. They would tell Brandon and I to pack our bags we were going on a trip. We would catch frogs (which we later found out were used for bait...ewwww), fish with Grandpa, and craft with Grandma. We always had so much fun.
Dad still tells us stories of Canada when they were kids. So over the years as I told you before it's evolved to a larger family affair. But it's all because of these two....

Gamma Helen and Papi Louie as my kids call them....

Over 50 years of marriage, 4 children, and too many grandchildren to count....
What was once just a little family vacation, a simple fishing trip to a remote area in canada.....
has now become a legend.
A family reunion of sorts...

( It's Grandma's birthday this week.... Happy birthday! )

I think my favorite part of the week is simply watching the joy in their eyes.

The love for their family.

That what was once their family vacation has become OUR family vacation.

Dinner times are the best. Grandma sits on the deck like a queen watching over her kingdom.... everyone eats and gathers round and then they scatter again.

Even Grandpa, a man of few words, smiles more often, laughs a little harder.

The joy in his eyes is priceless.

These are the moments I want for my family.

To have memories of family surrounding them, laughing and playing with them.

To create a legacy like Grandma and Grandpa have.

Thank you. I love you guys!

So today, I give thanks for family, for the laughter, the tears, and joy that we bring to each other.

I hope you can say the same for yours. Blessings on your day....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Miss me yet?

Vacations are never long enough. 7 days just isn't enough. By the time you get there and settle in, it's time to pack up and come home.... I vote for 10 days next year!

This was a fabulous trip, after many years of searching for the right cottage on the right lake.... I think we've found it. Not exactly where everyone else is, but you can't have everything right?

We stayed in a 7 bedroom cottage right on the Upper Rideau Lake, in Westport, Ontario Canada. Sunnyside Campground to be exact!
The Cottage was right on the water, right next to the beach, and spread out enough that we all had enough room.

The babes had a blast, they got to fish, boat, play in the sand and play, play, and play!
They were just glowing with radiance. The whole family was around, everyone was there to play together. No work, no school, no schedule, no conact with the outside world.
Just us.

And the fish....
Did I mention that fishing was involved? We fished off the dock, we fished on the boat, we might have even been fishing in our dreams.... (some of us that is)
Every night, the sun would set, tucking us in, letting us rest up for our next day of fun...and fishing... and food.
So for now, Canada is over, but there's always next year. Don't think we haven't stopped talking about it, or planning it, especially the food....

Hope your week has been full of the unexpected....
Blessings to you and yours.

Friday, July 11, 2008


July has just flown by so far.... I can't believe it's that time already.

Every year the Szklany Clan (or Mafia) whichever you prefer, gathers in Westport, Ontario for a week of fishing, crafting, cooking, and family fun. All year we talk about "canada", what we should do for "canada". It's pretty cool really, what was a family tradation for my fathers family, has now trickled down to the rest of the clan. My kids have been talking about it for weeks now. It all starts with the trip to Bass Pro Shop. Where the gathering of supplies begins.
Then we talk food.
That deserves a line of its own for sure. EVERYone knows that szklany's love to eat.
And last but not least....packing, up late the night before, filling bins with food and duffels with clothes. Clothes are usually an afterthought. Just make sure the food and fishing supplies are packed.... Oh wait, a bin(or two) for crafting supplies.
This year I decided to rent a couple of lenses for my little camera love. So I rented a mac daddy... 135mm f/2.0 L series lens. Nothing to joke around about that's for sure.

Can I say it again.... LOve it! Now I've been touched by the L series.... I might just have to start saving.

So even though I was supposed to be gathering supplies, and packing clothes.... I've really been editing pictures and playing with my new toys.

I hope you all have a blessed week.... Hopefully I'll have lots of pics to show when we return, eh?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My cool cats...

What a week, Ryan was home with us this past week so we have had a blast. I had the beginning of the week off so the kids were in their glory with us both home. We really had a nice week, I had to work crazy hours the end of the week so that was a bummer, but I don't think the kids really minded because daddy was home.
We went to the splash park this morning. It was so much fun. Matthew found couple of boys a little older than he was to throw water on, so he was in heaven. Ellie was chillin on the playground nearby. I brought my camera only to figure out I left my memory card at home... silly mommy.
So when we got home the kids played a little outside. They were being crazy silly.

A quick kiss before a race down the driveway...

On your mark, get set..... go....

Hope your day is joyous. I'll catch ya tomorrow hopefully!