Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What is it about sunflowers?

There's something magical about a sunflower.
Maybe it's the instant smile that they bring to your face.
Or maybe it's how an entire field of sunflowers turn their face to the sun.
Maybe it's just all the different colors and varieties they come in.
Who knows what it really is. Pure beauty.

These are planted in mimi and papi's garden, in a huge gigantic patch.
They are the gate keepers....
they smile at you when you enter, reminding you how big they really are.

We must have planted a variety pack, because each one is a little different than the next.
The kids were happy to stand in front of the giants. Too bad all the sunflower wouldn't smile for the camera.
The real reason we were at the Drumm Rd Farm is an "earful".

We were shucking, cooking, bagging, and freezing corn. The sweet corn this year has been fantastic, so we decided to cook some and freeze it so we can remember all winter long how great it was!

I hope your day is filled with peace.

Get out and enjoy the sweet breeze and warm sun.

Smile for no reason at all.

Because life is good.

Blessings on you and your day.

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