Monday, January 13, 2014

Word of the Year

What's your Word of the Year?  I've been reading Lisa Leonard's blog, and she talks about a word for your year, whether it sums up a goal, dream, personality trait... whatever your reason... but one little word that is significant to you. 

My word this year is Presence.
You make known to me the path of life: in your Presence there is fullness of joy.  Ps 16:11

While there are so many words that mean so much to me, I feel like this one is it. 
I want to live daily in the Presence of my Lord, living a life pleasing to Him.
I want to give my full presence to my children, encouraging them to grow, and blossom, and love more fully. 
I want to give my full presence to my husband.  I am so blessed to have be given this amazing man, who completes me on so many levels. 

Ann Voskamp wrote " The present moment is the only place joy can be received-- because it is the very place where God's presence is-- I AM."   I want to radiate joy.  I want to give my family all that I have, I want to be famous in my home. 

What's your word this year? 

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